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O objetivo deste blog, é partilhar e discutir exercícios e testes de raciocínio lógico utilizados em provas de recrutamento de recursos humanos!
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terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2012

Teste 0017

Xavier, Yan and Zeca are the managers of a big company, each heading one of the three departments: Purchasing, Sales and Marketing.
The working hours of each one, not necessary in this order, are of 6, 8 and 10 hours a day.
Its also known that:
- Zeca works 8 hours a day;
- Xavier is the marketing manager;
- Yan is not the purchasing manager and doesn't work 6 hours a day;

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that:

a) Xavier works 10 hours a day, Yan is the Sales manager and Zeca is the purchasing manager;
b) Xavier works 10 hours a day, Yan works 6 hours a day and Zeca is the purchasing manager;
c) Xavier works 10 hours a day, Yan works 6 hours a day and Zeca is the sales manager;
d) Xavier works 6 hours a day, Yan is the purchasing manager and Zeca is the sales manager;
e) Xavier works 6 hours a day, Yan is the sales manager and Zeca is the purchasing manager;