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O objetivo deste blog, é partilhar e discutir exercícios e testes de raciocínio lógico utilizados em provas de recrutamento de recursos humanos!
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sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

Teste 0015

Juliana went to a stylish because she needed a dress to go to a reception, but she doesn't know if the dress will be ready in time.
Her friends, Julia, Sandra and Valeria have different opinions about the dress being ready or not before the moment Juliana has to dress up for the reception.
If Julia is right, then Valeria is wrong.
If Valeria is wrong, then Sandra is wrong.
If Sandra is wrong, then the dress wont't be ready.
Either the dress is ready or Juliana won't go to the reception.
Well, it has been verified that Julia is right.

a) The dress was ready;
b) Sandra and Valeria were not wrong;
c) Valeria was wrong, but not Sandra;
d) Sandra was wrong, but not Valeria;
e) Juliana won't go to the reception

3 comentários:

Pedro Garcia disse...

R: e) Não vai à festa, porque o vestido não ficou pronto.

Unknown disse...

Não deveria ser Juliana quem não vai à festa? A resposta está como Ana.

Pedro Garcia disse...

Isso Fernando... Erro de digitação...!!!